
Warcop Parish Budget 2023/24

Finance Uploaded on July 6, 2023
Warcop Parish Council Budget 2023/24
Budgeted Expenditure: Notes
Clerks salary etc.  £                           1,350.00
Poppy Wreath  £                                 25.00
PC Insurance  £                               695.00
CALC Subscription  £                               193.00
Lawnmowers fuel & service  £                           1,400.00 Estimate based on 2022/23
Hall Hire  £                                 65.00
Website (shared with Parish Hall)  £                                 82.00
Ad hoc spends ca.  £                           4,000.00 Estimate based on 2022/23
Specific Planned Items:
Warcop Notice Board  £                               300.00 Purchase cost of board only
Street Light Replacement  £                               284.00
Cemetery Upkeep  £                               840.00 28 weeks April-Mid Oct, £30 per week quoted by Alan Burgess
Stagecoach Bus Service Donation  £                               500.00 Agreed at PC Meeting
Rush-bearing donation  £                               250.00 Agreed at PC Meeting
Strimmer for Sandford ca.  £                               439.00
Resiting of Sandford Defib  £                                        – Time and effort donated by Mr Allinson
 £                         10,423.00
Savings and Income:
Opening Bank Balance (Approx.) Current Account  £                           3,031.89
Savings Accounts (2)  £                           2,496.76
 £                           1,454.09
Land Lease Income  £                               980.00
2023/24 Precept  £                           6,850.00
Recycling credit/interest/wayleave etc. ca.  £                               200.00
 £                         15,012.74
Reserve and Projects  £                  4,589.74
1. Scheduled items are year on year costs associated with running a Parish Council and Parish infrastructure
2.  Specific planned items are approved spends for this year
3. No income or expenditure allowance is made for burials
4. No information available on any maintenance or improvements needed in Bleatarn or Coupland Beck (assumed none)