
Minutes 15th June 2023

Minutes Uploaded on July 28, 2023

Meeting of Warcop Parish Council

Held on Thursday 16th June 2023 at 7.30pm


PRESENT:               Councillors Mr A Parkinson (Chairman), Sydall, McDowall, Deighton, Mallett & Helvin.


ALSO PRESENT:   Clerk Mrs Strong + 8 members of public.







Councillor McDowall declared an interest in item 05/0623– planning.



Councillor Sydall proposed the AGM as a true and accurate record of the meeting and Councillor Helvin seconded this.

Councillor McDowall proposed the Full PC Meeting minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting and Councillor Mallett seconded this.

Councillor McDowall proposed the Extra meeting minutes as a true and accurate record of the meeting and Councillor Helvin seconded this.

These were approved and signed




Councillor Helvin reported that she was happy to have the extra noticeboard asked for in Warcop on the wall of her property.


Update regarding the ANPR cameras.  The clerk received a phone call from the Met Police and these will be installed shortly.  .


Westmorland and Furness Council have responded to the land agents request for a new street name explaining their strict naming policies for new streets.  There is one name with a number of suffixes available and it was agreed to leave this to the land agent to choose.

















23/0374 – Coupland Beck – no objections

23/0347 – Removal of CCTV cameras and wooden lean to – no objections


07/0623 FINANCE

Income Received:

£1610 – G Jones Funeral Director

£12774 – Inland Revenue VAT Return

To note payments.


CHQ BACS PAYEE Name Amount Reason
BACS D Sowerby 203.50 Cut down trees in Graveyard
BACS G Deighton 180.00 Posts for Appleby Fair
BACS A Parkinson 77.74 Petrol for grass cutting
BACS A Parkinson 14.42 Safety Visor
BACS T Maughan 200.00 Gravedigging – Hoyle
BACS A Parkinson 17.78 Barrier Tape
BACS D Keetley 16.33 Petrol for grass cutting
BACS Warcop Rushbearing 250.00 Donation
BACS A Clee 145.64 Paint, Screws, Polystyrene
BACS N McDowall 439.22 Sandford Strimmer
BACS H Strong 14.95 New lock for mower storage
BACS H Strong 30.00 Extra payment for burial
BACS BHIB 25.00 Insurance Admin Fee


There was no 3 monthly bank rec to sign; this is due in July.

The annual governance and accountability return AGAR 2022/23 these were approved and signed by the Chairman.  The notice of public rights and the AGAR will be put on to the website.

No expenditure planned that will deviate from the budget.
































  • Maintenance Improvement Plan – Councillor Mallett updated the PC.  This is a 4 year rolling programme of works.  This document was emailed to everyone prior to the meeting and this will be published on the website and noticeboard.  Some areas will need to be looked into in more detail.  Many thanks to Mr Burnett who has re-painted the war memorial stones which was down as an action in this plan.
  • WPC Legal Powers & Duties – The Chairman emailed this prior to the meeting explain that it forms a useful reference to anyone wishing to understand the Parish Council’s role and responsibilities. It will be published on the website.
  • Asset Register – Councillor McDowall has compiled this register and emailed everyone prior to the meeting.  The insurance status of some of the more significant assets is uncertain.  Councillor McDowall is currently sorting this out with the PCs insurance company BHIB.  The asset register will be published onto the website.
  • B4RN Update – Unfortunately the government have withdrawn their voucher scheme and this has had a big impact on the deliverance of this project in our area.  The Chairman encouraged all residents to send in a letter of complaint to our local MP highlighting this problem.
  • Warcop Camp Annual Liaison Meeting – The Chairman attended this meeting and reported back.  This was hosted by Maj Robinson with representatives from the estate managers and Landmarc.  The MOD will be losing the playing field and re-fuelling station once work starts on the new dualling of the A66.  They are currently looking at alternative sites for these facilities.  The Ukraine training is currently on-going and no heavy artillery or tanks are planned for the foreseeable future on the ranges.  Landmarc have just been awarded a new 7-10 year contract with the MOD.  MOD Estates reported on progress with actions from the earlier public enquiry including and update on grazing rights on the ranges and flood risk mitigation by planting of trees.
  • Outgoing Councillor Recognition – It was agreed to purchase 3 vouchers for afternoon tea for Mr Keetley, Mrs Hauser and Mr Allen who currently stepped down as councillors.  The Chairman also mentioned that he was looking into other ways to recognise the former Chairman’s contributions to the Parish.
  • Vacancy Applicant – Mr English a resident from Great Musgrave has expressed an interest in becoming a Warcop parish councillor.  Mr English was present as an observer and was asked to leave the meeting while this was discussed.  After a discussion it was agreed to wait for a while before recruiting a new member as 3 new members have recently joined and it would give the PC time to adapt to the new changes.
  • Parish Green Space Registration Update – The Chairman has recently spoken to the Solicitor, Mr Birtles for an update.  Mr Birtles clarified that he has been looking at ‘Village Green’ registration by Eden District (and now Westmorland and Furness) councils. This has been ongoing for many years now with little response from the Council.  Councillor Deighton mentioned that this arose many years ago and recalled that there was a requirement to register such areas hence the action at the time. The Chairman agreed to go back to Mr Birtles to clarify exactly what if anything the PC needs to do.
  • New Website Update – Councillor Mallett has approached 3 companies all of whom provide local council websites.  CALC suggested to use a website which uses WordPress which supports local authorities and is commonly used in other Parishes.  One of the providers suggested, Netwise has a dummy website for people to view and see what is possible.  The PC will need to purchase a domain name and pay a yearly service fee.  Mr Chris Hauser has kindly offered to help configure a new Warcop Parish Council website on our behalf. It is then recommended that the Clerk and one other administrator control the content to ensure consistency and uniformity of content.  Councillor Mallett will find out the exact cost of this and feedback at the next meeting.
  • Volunteer List – The Chairman proposed putting together a list of everyone in the parish who volunteers their time to help the parish. This would provide a possible list of helpers should the need arise and give the opportunity to formally thank each individual during the year for their support and help.  The Chairman requested everyone to submit names of helpers and the nature of their help to the Clerk.
  • Appleby Fair Arrangements – The Chairman has put together a list of who helps with preparing for the Annual Fair in the Parish as he felt this year he struggled with historically who helped and wanted to plan the arrangements better in future.  The clerk will send a letter to the Railway asking if they would be able to supply some more sleepers to go across Cemetery Lane as the PC currently only have 3 boulders which don’t span the widest point and travellers still parked there.  It was also noted that the toilets were not delivered soon enough.  No complaints have been made and there seemed to be minimal disruption.  The Chairman agreed to feed back these latter two points to the MASCG.
  • New Warcop Street Name – Previously discussed as above.































































































A resident has asked if she can donate and look after a planter to go next to the bench in the cemetery in memory of her son.  No objections were raised and the request was granted.

An email was received from Mr Keetley asking who would be taking over the defib checks on the defib at the village hall and phone box.  Councillor Sydall said she would take over the checks on the phone box and the village hall defibrillators.

An emailed was received from a resident expressing her concerns regarding the school bus being unable to get over Eden Bridge due to someone parking next to the bridge and blocking the turning area.  Councillor McDowall agreed to purchase “No Parking” signs to put up next to the bridge.
















A resident asked if the MOD could be asked if they would consider purchasing a Xmas tree for the Warcop as this is something they have previously done.


A resident asked if the Ukraine flag could be put back up.  Not sure who is responsible for this and the Clerk will find out.


A resident mentioned that the planned noticeboard to go on to Councillor Helvin’s property would need planning permission.  After a discussion it was felt this noticeboard would be better served further up at the top end of the village, maybe near by the old shop.  It was agreed to look for another suitable location and discuss at the next meeting.


Mr Keetley previously mentioned that he was going to ask the local school Head whether some of the school children from Warcop School would like to come down and paint a mural in the bus stop as part of a project.  The clerk will chase this up with Mr Keetley.


A resident has asked if another bench could be put down by the river bank at Eden Bridge.  There is an old bench in the cemetery store which could be used, but this needs maintenance work which Mr Clee offered to do.  The PC needs to seek permission from the land owner prior to giving the go ahead with this.




























Thursday 27th July 2023 at 7.00pm


Meeting closed at 9.55pm



Chairman …………………………………


Date ……………………………………….