Warcop Cemetery Maintenance – Old Part
This document forms the workplan and subjective standard for the maintenance of the old part of Warcop Cemetery. There are no timescales to this plan – work will be carried out as appropriate across the year.
- Only access-ways to be mown as Alan does at present; no mowing or strimming over or between graves/gravestones
- Only grasses to be allowed to grow out of grave areas – no brambles, shrubs or nettles.
- All brambles anywhere to be removed and treated to prevent regrowth
- Nettles to be permitted only adjacent to the boundary wall
- Existing shrubs to be reviewed and a view taken whether to keep/remove (largely based on aesthetic value and ease of maintenance, on a case-by-case basis)
- Trees to be checked for loose and dead branches and these removed.
- Woody plants and shrubs next to the boundary wall to be removed and treated to prevent future wall problems from roots etc.
- Separately, the fate of the big trees which are already compromising the east dry stone wall to be discussed
Approved by the Parish Council on 12/9/2024.